This Guide is the result of activities carried out within “A Story of Europe” Project, co-financed by the European Union through Erasmus + Program, Key Acton 2, Strategic Partnerships in the Youth Field of Exchange of Good Practices.
The project ‘A Story of Europe’ aimed at promoting empowerment and entrepreneurship education of disadvantaged youth migrants belonging to the NEET category through Digital Storytelling, Sport Entrepreneurship and Personal Braiding.
A Story of Europe was a 24 month Strategic Partnership Youth involving 3 NGOs from Italy, Spain and Bulgaria experienced in working with migrants aimed at promoting social entrepreneurship of disadvantaged migrant NEETs in order to foster transition to autonomy and employability/entrepreneurial engagement
Social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship education were the main reference points of this strategic partnership. They were used in combination with Digital Storytelling, Sport Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding and elements of the Non Formal Education methodology in a concerted transnational effort as mutually reinforcing components of a comprehensive approach to entrepreneurial empowerment.
The purpose of “Entrepreneurial EmPOWDERment Guide” is to provide a practical reference for youth operators and stakeholders interested in developing entrepreneurial capacities in migrant/refugee NEET youngsters as well as for youth targets interested in the topic.