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KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for Youth



Research Report

Italy – Bulgaria – Spain

Challenges addressed by the Project

The target group of this project are young migrant NEETs. They are facing very important difficulties such as lack of inclusion, low employability, fewer opportunities and marginalisation. These challenges are mainly experienced by newly arrived migrants and young refugees and have become a major area of concern for public authorities, NGOs and stakeholders at different levels. Linguistic barriers and educational gaps, compared to their non-migrant peers, hamper their development of skills and knowledge, employability potential and personal development; thus setting integration challenges that the formal education structures in Europe are only partially able to fulfil.


Among the NEETs population, migrant NEETs are, therefore, identified as the most vulnerable target groups. In the majority of the EU projects and programmes, young migrants are usually empowered in the field of entrepreneurship disregarding other important issues such as inclusion in society and creation of social value, other than a simple economic gain. Social entrepreneurship is the best way to combine the need for economic welfare and social change.

General overview of the Project

"A Story of Europe" (ASE) is a 24 months Strategic Partnership Youth involving 3 NGOs from Italy, Spain and Bulgaria experienced in working with migrants aimed at promoting social entrepreneurship of disadvantaged migrant NEETs in order to foster transition to autonomy and employability/entrepreneurial engagement.


Social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship education are the main reference points of this strategic partnership. They are used in combination with Digital Storytelling, Sport Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding and  elements of the  Non Formal Education  methodology in a concerted transnational effort as mutually reinforcing components of a comprehensive approach to entrepreneurial empowerment.

General overview of the state-of-the-art

Consortium Partners have implemented a research and analysis process on national level regarding the specific belonging methodologies thematics. All concerned stakeholders such as public and private institutions, NGOs and associations have been involved in a survey based on national level. Mismatches, gap and good practices were individualized through a comprehensive analysis.


This Report is the outcome of the abovementioned research and analysis process, providing potential interested stakeholders, organisations, operators and youth workers with an overview of existent best practices sourced from Consortium Partner Countries.

KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for Youth



Research Report

Italy – Bulgaria – Spain

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