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A Story of Europe is a 24 month Strategic Partnership Youth involving 3 NGOs from Italy, Spain and Bulgaria experienced in working with migrants aimed to promote social entrepreneurship of disadvantaged migrant NEETs in order to foster transition to autonomy and employability/entrepreneurial engagement


 Social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship education will be the main reference points of this strategic partnership. They will be used in combination with Digital Storytelling, Sport Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding and elements of the Non Formal Education methodology in a concerted transnational effort as mutually reinforcing components of a comprehensive approach to entrepreneurial empowerment


Research and exchange of Good Practices 

 The promotion of social inclusion, empowerment and employability of disadvantaged migrant NEETs fostering sustainable development of their host communities will be achieved through the delivery of 4 main results in the 24 months of the cooperation:


 R1: Reports on European good practices

 R2: Youth mobilities:


 1. BMYP in Spain, focusing on Digital Storytelling;
2. BMYP in Bulgaria, dealing with Sport Entrepreneurship;
3. BMYP in Italy, focusing on Personal Branding.


 R3: Learning outputs:


 1. "Entrepreneurial EmPOWDERment Guide".

 2. "A Story of Europe" Web Platform.

 3. "Some Stories for Youth" Blog.

 The promotion of social inclusion, empowerment and employability of disadvantaged migrant NEETs fostering sustainable development of their host communities will be achieved through the delivery of 4 main results in the 24 months of the cooperation:


 R1: Reports on European good practices

 R2: Youth mobilities:


1. BMYP in Italy, focusing on Digital Storytelling;
2. BMYP in Bulgaria, dealing with Sport Entrepreneurship;
3. BMYP in Spain, focusing on Personal Branding.


 R3: Learning outputs:


 1. "Entrepreneurial EmPOWDERment Guide".

 2. "A Story of Europe" Web Platform.

 3. "Some Stories for Youth" Blog.

 1. Design the procedure and methodology of research by elaborating a Survey Format and an Evaluation Grid for good practices, basing on geographical criteria;


 2. Sharing successful models employed by their organizations to promote entrepreneurial education of youth migrants through Digital Storytelling, Sport Entrepreneurship, Personal

Branding. The research will be conducted by each partner under the direction of the Consortium.


 3. Research results will be shared, discussed and assessed in specific partners’ meetings and collected in state-of-the-art Reports, 3 in total, on respectively Digital Story Telling Good Practices, Sport Entrepreneurship Good Practices and Personal Branding Good Practices.

 State-of-the-art reports:

4. Each report will provide a pondered and categorized collection of good practices, with a general outline of the existing educational offer and indications as to potential synergies among existing experiences and pathways of further improvement.


The 3 Reports will be integrated in a Final Research Report. These products will be targeted at the wider audience of youth operators/organizations and stakeholders working with the youth NEET migrant final targets, with a view to providing them with instruments enhancing their understanding and educational capacities through knowledge of the landscape of existing good practices in the field.

 1. Design the procedure and methodology of research by elaborating a Survey Format and an Evaluation Grid for good practices, basing on geographical criteria;


 2. Sharing successful models employed by their organizations to promote entrepreneurial education of youth migrants through Digital Storytelling, Sport Entrepreneurship, Personal

Branding. The research will be conducted by each partner under the direction of the Consortium.


 3. Research results will be shared, discussed and assessed in specific partners’ meetings and collected in state-of-the-art Reports, 3 in total, on respectively Digital Story Telling Good Practices, Sport Entrepreneurship Good Practices and Personal Branding Good Practices.

 State-of-the-art reports:

4. Each report will provide a pondered and categorized collection of good practices, with a general outline of the existing educational offer and indications as to potential synergies among existing experiences and pathways of further improvement.


The 3 Reports will be integrated in a Final Research Report. These products will be targeted at the wider audience of youth operators/organizations and stakeholders working with the youth NEET migrant final targets, with a view to providing them with instruments enhancing their understanding and educational capacities through knowledge of the landscape of existing good practices in the field.

Processing of Good Practices

Processing of Good Practices

Processing of Good Practices

 Processing the findings of the research (A1) into educational formats to be proposed in the 3 project BMYPs. Each partner will be in charge of producing the educational format focused on its area of expertise, in constant contact and cooperation with all partners:

 • Storytelling: Intercambia;

 • Sport Entrepreneurship: Champions Factory;

 • Personal Branding: MVI.

 Processing the findings of the research (A1) into educational formats to be proposed in the 3 project BMYPs. Each partner will be in charge of producing the educational format focused on its area of expertise, in constant contact and cooperation with all partners:

 • Storytelling: Intercambia;

 • Sport Entrepreneurship: Champions Factory;

 • Personal Branding: MVI.

Implementation of BMYPs

 - The educational formats elaborated in A2 will be proposed to 30 youth migrant NEET participants from all partner countries in 3 BMYPs in Spain (Digital Storytelling), Bulgaria (Sport Entrepreneurship) and Italy (Personal Branding). The 3 initiatives will form part of a wider pattern of entrepreneurial development targeted at development providing youngsters with the soft/transversal skills in the field of Social Entrepreneurship.

- A "Some Stories for Youth" Blog will be established as an instrument allowing participants to develop their narrative of the learning process in the form of a "diary".

 - Each sending partner will support its own participants in producing their individual SE Workplans.

Production of Outputs

 The Consortium will produce:
- An "Entrepreneurial EmPOWDERment Guide" as a practical reference for youth operators, stakeholders and youngsters interested in the topic of entrepreneurial education of disadvantaged youth migrants as a tool of empowerment, employability and active participation channeled by socially oriented business. Each partner will translate the Guide in its own language.

- A Web Platform "A Story of Europe" established by partners wherein the contents and materials developed in the project will be integrated as OER modules. The Guide will be digitalized and uploaded for open access in all languages.


 - A national Multiplier Conference organised by every partners in its own country with the participation of young migrant NEETs involved in the project (from the partner country), national NGOs, stakeholders, migrant young people and national mass media. Project results will be disclosed to the audience and stakeholders will assess and discuss the SE Workplans developed by participants.

- Copies of project Guide in national language distributed during multiplier events.
Partners will spread the results and products of the project through their own Social Media accounts, Websites and Networks.

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